Category: English

Como parte de las festividades Navideñas que se aproximan y de la celebración del nacimiento del Niño Jesús.  Por segundo año consecutivo, el abogado Stefan Latorre y su equipo de trabajo, ha preparado una actividad para los niños latinos de escasos recursos económicos que de otra forma no tendrían un regalo en esta Navidad. El

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U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has just issued a notice inform everyone that it is aware that some DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) recipients have renewal applications pending longer than normal processing times. USCIS claims to make every effort to adjudicate cases within 120 days, whether they were filed timely or not. Timely

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Temporary Protected status for Salvadorians was first granted in 2001. The renewal deadline is September 6, 2016, but as of yesterday only 17,900 Salvadorians have filed renewal applications. That is 9.1% of the total amount who now have temporary protected status in the US. USCIS released that the number of qualifying beneficiaries from El Salvador

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