Category: English

In a public on Friday afternoon decision, District Judge of the United States Dolly Gee based on the case Flores vs Lynch, decided as a rule that children must be released from detention within five working days and preferably their parents including parents with whom were arrested. The court ordered that this new rule is

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Hispanic Sandra Cano was one of the mothers who benefited from the event Back to School Attorney Stefan Latorre to receive support her two children to start school this week. Cano thanked the Attorney Latorre for his generosity in supporting the Hispanic community in this way, since in his own words Cano believes that “the

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For immigrants who entered the country without a visa north and married to an American citizen, ahoran have the option of forgiveness to adjust their immigration status and obtain permanent residence to live and work in the United States. However, and although it sounds very encouraging, this forgiveness is not easy to get and only

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Lawyer Stefan Latorre is interviewed by Univisión in the case of the Mexican singer Larry Hernandez and alleged assault and kidnapping of employee event promoter in Newberry, SC. Attorney Latorre offered in an interview with Univision legal point of view of the consequences that could suffer the singer Larry Hernandez for alleged physical abuse and

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With only 18 Gualdemar Rony Martinez is today one more reason to strive and study better to receive permanent residence card to live, study and work legally in the United States future. His father Dannis Martinez stressed how difficult it was his case since he came to this country without a strong reason to apply

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