Category: English

Guillermina Garrido of Puebla, Mexico with her 8 month old baby Camila Telez, celebrating the Mexican national team in the CONCACAF game in Charlotte last July 15. Hundreds of Hispanics from Central and South America, but especially Mexico, were present to support their teams last July 15 in Charlotte on the occasion of the Mexico

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July 27: Deadline to Return Work Permits (EAD) to USCIS If you received approval of DACA and Document Employment Authorization (EAD) for three years after the of February 16, 2015, you are one of those who have until the 27th of this month to return it to the offices of Immigration and citizenship (USCIS) before

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The satisfaction of our customers is our primary objective in our Hispanic Law Offices of Stefan Latorre why we care to know more about the opinions of Hispanics regarding our services. During the Festival Colombiano newly weekend July 12 we received the words of one of the participants of the festival, the Colombian Fernando Achury

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The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (USCIS) recently published a proposal to expand the forgiveness program that exists today. This program began in 2013 and its main objective was to allow relatives of Americans to seek a pardon for being in the country without documents before starting the process to get legal immigration status citizens.

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El 14 de julio de 2015, el USCIS publicó una propuesta de norma que tiene como objetivo ampliar el programa de exención provisional. El programa de exención provisional piloto comenzó en 2013 permitió parientes inmediatos (padres, cónyuges e hijos solteros menores de 21 años de edad de ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos) para solicitar una

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