Category: English

President Obama announced it will postpone its promise to use his executive power to change immigration laws. The president had promised to use his executive power in late summer and possibly help millions of undocumented immigrants get a work permit. But he returned to break his promise. The president presented the excuse that if you

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Committee for the Integration of Immigrant Charlotte to  Start efforts to create ‘City ID’. Read the article .

District Judge Andrew Hanen, temporarily suspended the entry into force of executive action by President Barack Obama. The decision of the Federal Court for the Southern District of Texas is one day before the administration would accept applications for deferred action immigrants over 30 who came as children to the United States. The decision temporarily

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The new CAM program (Central America Minors Refugee / Parole Program) for its acronym in English, is a new initiative of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration The United States focused on benefiting children left behind when a parent (or both) have migrated to the northern country. The request must be made by one of

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Federal authorities said the District Attorney Gastonia County, Locke Bell, continue not denying assistance and services of his office for victims of crime who are seeking legal residency through the Visa U. Officials of the Office of High Authority Association of the United States (US Attorney’s Office) met privately with Mr. Bell in reference to

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