Category: English

Expedited Removal to be expanded to streamline deportation of more immigrants. Effective January 21, 2025, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) expanded its use of “expedited removal” to streamline the deportation process for certain immigrants. Under the new memorandum, DHS is authorized to place individuals into expedited removal proceedings if they entered the United States

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To Vote in U.S. Federal Elections: You must be a S. citizen Through birth in the United States1 Through birth overseas to a S. citizen parent Through naturalization2 Meet your state’s residency requirements You must be at least 18 years old by election You may be able to register before the election if you will

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Starting April 1, 2024, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will increase its filing fees for various immigration applications for the first time since 2016. You must file your application before April 1, 2024, to avoid paying the new increased fees. Below is a list showing the current and new immigration filing fees for

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man in suit

By Laura Williams-Tracy – Contributor, Charlotte Business Journal Sep 30, 2022 Twenty-five years ago, attorney Stefan Latorre traded his position as an international tax lawyer to help Spanish-speaking immigrants – many of them undocumented workers – who were helping to build Charlotte during a period of growth. Latorre crossed the language barrier and brought aggressive

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More than 20,000 people died in car accidents throughout the United States in the first six months of 2021, an 18.4% increase over the same time period last year, according to the Department of Transportation.