Author: Law Offices of Stefan R. Latorre, P.A.

Hispanic Heritage Month is a celebration of Hispanic heritage beginning on September 15 to October 15 in the United States.  This month is reserved to honor the influence, contribution, culture, history and more importantly the achievements of Hispanic and Latin Americans in the United States. September 15 is significant because it is anniversary of the

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El Servicio de Inmigración está de nuevo aceptando aplicaciones iniciales de DACA después de ser ordenado por la corte federal. Para repasar, las aplicaciones iniciales de DACA fueron eliminadas por el presidente Trump en septiembre, 2017, causando varios juicios contra esta decisión. En junio, 2020, la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos bloqueo la decisión

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As a result of recent court decisions regarding DACA, Immigration is accepting initial DACA requests again.  As a reminder, initial DACA requests were phased out by President Trump in September 2017, triggering many lawsuits.  In June 2020, the Supreme Court blocked President Trump’s changes to DACA and in July 2020, Immigration maintained that initial DACA

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